Case Study: LTA International Services
We developed a system to handle international quotes. The quotes would service USA CPG brands and products for export to their International customers
LTA International Services exports FDA approved, top quality USA products to 30+ countries. Since 1994, LTA International is a highly regarded and established export management company that sells respected USA brands globally.
LTA International Services needed a process to communicate available products and pricing for over 80 brands to thousands of retailers, wholesalers and distributors.
Our approach: Set up a shared system for the company team to access first cost quotes by product for the International export customers.
We started by compiling the key brand sales sheets with distributor pricing. Since LTA is an exporter the landed costs would change based on country duty and shipping fees. Since the LTA team was developing a price offer to each customer the workload and quotes were causing a backlog. Starting a catalog of quote sheets by brand streamlined the process and made the team’s quotes, trade events and contacts more efficient.
Currently, LTA International Global Services offers a yearly catalog on its web site and to its global customers in 30+ countries and to thousands of distributors, wholesalers and retailers.
If your brand needs a solution let our experience work for you. CONTACT US